Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Get some CHICKENS!!"

First of all, if your going to yell something out in class...make sure that it is the correct thing.

Would anybody else have mistaken these for chickens?

Probably not...that's why I'm still in school. But it broke the ice after the only fight Whitney and I ever had. So, there ARE good things that come from stupidity!:)

"My spoon solo sucks!"

Mark Greenwood. One of the funnier individuals in this world.

"You MIGHT wanna take that off...."

Brayden told me this when I put on a friend's mom's wedding ring that was worth more than my life. It was sitting by the sink and I couldn't help myself from trying it on. I freaked out and took it off and we laughed really hard after that, especially when he dared me to put it on again.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Where ARE you?"

Whitney's closet has an ancient cover for a light fixture. It's a glass square that bows down a little at the center, sustained only by a small screw driven through a hole at its lowest point. This leaves the pointed edges vicariously vulnerable to hit your forehead if you were 7 feet tall. Or, say, if you happen to throw a bag up on to and already crowded (but organized) shelf just adjacent to it.The backpack didn't maintain it's footing on the shelf and fell down maliciously snagging one of the glass corners of the light fixture. It was spliced diagonally and came crashing down onto Whitney's head cutting her and making an extremely loud crashing sound. About the same time Whitney whimpered, Brady, asleep on a nearby bed got up abruptly from his slumber(in superhuman speed) and searched frantically with his eyes as to where Whitney could be. As we all know, sleep has a tendency of meddling with our spacial reality and finally Brady yelled out, "Where ARE you?" Only to find she was 3 feet away. (Acting in his defense there was a curtain separating his view, so it's a totally understandable folly.)

"It's like the CENTER of a cinnamon roll..."

Once upon a time, me, Whitney, Sarah Mercedes and Isaac decided to make our own amazing phonetic alphabet. We were getting along pretty well. A as in Ardvark or Avacado. B as in Bazooka. C as in Caviar. D as in Dandelion and so on. We got to the letter H and Isaac suggested Hiatus. Whitney said, "What IS a hiatus anyways?" And I proceeded to explain in all seriousness with cupped hand motions in front of me as though I were holding a precious delectable treat that it was like, "the center of a cinnamon roll." (For I really believed that to be the case!) and after a few seconds of everyone trying to take in the sheer geniusness I had ensued, ultimate laughter was had, and I found out then in a fit of hysteria, I couldn't have been more wrong. (For those of you who don't know, Hiatus= a break.) CON-trib-ute!!