Sunday, July 31, 2011

you CLOSED your EYES?

Remember when you closed your eyes? Ya. Don't ever expect to benefit from THAT service ever again:)

the breast stroke

Hey, so...remember when we swum laps together and all 230 lb 6 foot 7 of you was trying trying to do some elaborate fish out of water move? Then I asked you what exactly it was you were trying to accomplish by doing that specific swim style? "I'm doing the breaststroke!" Came the retort. "Oh!" ha ha! Oh "THAT's the breaststroke!" You may not have been back in the pool for 4 months... Oh don't look at me like I ruined your confidence in the matter! We'll practice!:) Remember how you also always have to refer to chicken as "chicken breast?" I think you just like the sicko. You're like a 30 year old virgin.


So, I guess I like to make up new words. It's really just more an art of MIXING (an art which I have not yet obtained through the medium of watercolor painting-how come nobody told me painting was so HARD?) lame. Anyways. We were at the concert, Ingrid Michaelson, our first date EVER, thank you very much...I think you still kinda owe that for me btw...and I said "Come on! We don't wanna get trampeded so we gotta get out of here!" Nice. Something really awesome for someone to say when they're trying to make a lasting first impression on a first date. "I think you meant stampede or trampled," you chuckle. Well, lucky for me you were already around my finger cuz you kissed me like 5 hours later and you've been whooped ever since! Feeling's mutual toots! Here's to making up new words:) I guess it worked. Sweet!

I don't get scared...

Remember when you were hiding in the darkness just behind the door at Luke's in Oregon and I walked in to have you scare the living daylights out of me but since I don't get scared I just squared up my stance and balled up my fists and growled my little Mushu Dragon (from Mulan) growl? That was kind of funny. Mostly just embarrassing...

"Are they in New York?"

First of all...that movie was all OVER the place! 2012 is just like all the other "the world is ending, we're all gonna die!!" movies...Easy enough to follow for sure. But if you happen to zonk out for a SECOND you'll end up missing out on where all the action is. How someone can travel from California to China in a day should make you skeptical naturally when I saw the Eiffel Tower getting knocked over by the runaway plane I figured they were probably in Paris or New York(since I thought the only tall building in the US was in NY...the Empire State building. Shyeah! How could I have gotten that wrong? They don't even look the same)...right? Naturally...try naturally not! Try L.A.--evidently they have a fake little Eiffel Tower there (have I ever been there??? NO. Have you? Of course). So of course when you made me repeat the question I had already figured out I asked the wrong one...Thanks for laughing...jerk...ha ha ha. I admit. It was pretty funny. I'm so glad we can laugh at my expense of being stupid. The sad part is...I wasn't stupid until I met you. Anyways...

Calvin Klein

You were looking at me that way again...the coy, innocent "I didn't do that" face, you know, the one that Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) always makes when he gets in trouble. Ya, that's the one. I said, "Oh don't think you can just give me your Calvin Klein face and get away with it all!!" I suppose I forgot to differentiate the Calvins in my mind before speaking...So what! I went for the underwear model instead! (what does that say about my subconscious?)


Remember when I told you it was for sure a "good thing I look like a CENATAUR!" And you were like..."Oh...what does a Cenataur look like?" And I was like: "You know! Half man, half bull!" Of course you started laughing and I knew I was wrong..."I think you mean Centaur babe! Which is actually a half man, half horse. Half man, half bull is a MINotaur!" I knew that...

Numb Lips

Remember when you were sitting in training with Emilee and your lips got numb and bitter because you ate an apple without washing it so it probably had poisonous pesticides on it? Cute...but sometimes a little slow. ha ha ha.