Sunday, July 31, 2011


So, I guess I like to make up new words. It's really just more an art of MIXING (an art which I have not yet obtained through the medium of watercolor painting-how come nobody told me painting was so HARD?) lame. Anyways. We were at the concert, Ingrid Michaelson, our first date EVER, thank you very much...I think you still kinda owe that for me btw...and I said "Come on! We don't wanna get trampeded so we gotta get out of here!" Nice. Something really awesome for someone to say when they're trying to make a lasting first impression on a first date. "I think you meant stampede or trampled," you chuckle. Well, lucky for me you were already around my finger cuz you kissed me like 5 hours later and you've been whooped ever since! Feeling's mutual toots! Here's to making up new words:) I guess it worked. Sweet!

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